
Countrywide network of

Aesthetics Professionals

We are countrywide network of Aesthetics Professionals, providing advice and treatment for most common beauty and ageing concerns.

Dr Aesthetic Medicine

We are countrywide network of Aesthetics Professionals, providing advice and treatment for most common beauty and ageing concerns.

We offer both surgical and non-surgical solutions depending upon your individual needs and requirements. Non-surgical treatments such as muscle relaxant injections, Botox, Fillers, Profhilo, Fat dissolving, PDO (threads lift) etc can be performed around the country by our Aesthetics Practitioners, and we associated with Harley Streets Clinic. Also we arrange consultations for surgical and some more specialised procedures in UK and Europe.

Dr Aesthetics Medicine was founded Dr Marco Gambino DM, MBBS, PhD Orthopaedic and Aesthetics Medicine.

Dr Gambino graduated in Italy and gain his PhD in United States America.
Dr Gambino has practised in Italy, Spain, USA and Dubai, he is currently based in United Kingdom.

Dr Aesthetics Medicine can direct you to the most appropriate treatment options and practitioners to best suit your needs. We also offer training to those wishing to take up careers in aesthetics industry.
Our affiliated training facilities offer some of the best training in the country, we are happy to advice further on this.

Our services


Botox is the most popular non-surgical cosmetic treatment to reduce fine lines and wrinkles.


Dermal fillers are injections used to fill out wrinkles and creases in the skin.


Profhilo is a patented technology based upon people aged between 40-60


The PDO Thread Lift is a treatment which lifts and tightens sagging skin tissue.


Vitamin B12 needed to convert carbohydrates into glucose in the body.

Fat Dissolving Injections

Fat dissolving injections  resulting in a safe, permanent and effective reduction of fat.

Weight loss injections

A controversial new slimming injection promises to dissolve fat cells.

Surgical Treatments

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